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Paying It Forward

Chris Marino standing and shaking a person's hand.

Chris Marino ' 13(左)与广告名誉教授James Tsao. As Google’s newest head of agency, 马里诺经常回到校园进行校友交流和学生支持.

13岁的克里斯·马里诺(Chris Marino)在雪城大学(Syracuse University)学到了很多东西, including the value of community. Such inclusion wasn’t limited to the classroom; it spilled over into his personal and professional life. “Thanks to Syracuse, 我有一群朋友,我无法想象没有他们的生活,” says Google’s newest head of agency.

In addition to helping Google customers grow their businesses, Marino returns to campus for alumni engagement and student support. He’s especially proud of his involvement with the Young Whitman Advisory Council (YWAC) and Newhouse Emerging Leaders (NEL) Alumni Volunteer Board. These kinds of organizations, Marino explains, let him pay it forward through philanthropic contributions, time and resources.

“YWAC和NEL致力于校友志愿服务和慈善事业,” says the former double major in management and marketing management. “They focus on creating a better experience for students.”


What led you to Syracuse University?

When I was looking for an undergraduate program, I wanted a community where I felt like I could learn, grow and thrive, both personally and academically. I was attracted to Syracuse’s academic rigor, school spirit and proximity to where I grew up [in Astoria, Queens]. 在我第一次参观校园后,毫无疑问,我想成为奥兰治.

How did Syracuse prepare you for a career in digital marketing?

澳门线上赌场为我在课堂内外打下了坚实的基础. I learned from some of the best professors in the world, 结交了形形色色的朋友,发现了自己对市场营销的热情.

I initially majored in political science but after taking some business courses, switched to finance in the Martin J. Whitman School of Management. 在美国运通(American Express)的第一次实习之后,我意识到自己注定要成为一名营销人员. 管理学和市场营销双学位为我毕业后在美国运通取得成功做好了准备. [He worked there from 2013-20.]

Outside of hard skills, 我在锡拉丘兹真正欣赏的是学会了社交的重要性, time management and communication.


I’m getting married in May in Napa Valley, 和我们一起分享这一时刻的许多人都是雪城大学的校友. We still reminisce about our time as students, including the men’s basketball team making the Final Four our senior year.

除了学术,社区意识是雪城的特别之处. 我告诉学生们,除了努力学习,重要的是要玩得开心,发现自己. You get to be in college only once, so make the most of it.

Chris Marino standing with students.

“没有别人的指引,没有人能取得人生的成就,” says Marino (center), with Newhouse School undergraduates.

Why are volunteerism and philanthropy important to you?

随着我在事业上的进步,我将继续致力于把爱传递出去. Mentors have made a transformative impact on me, 因此,我渴望为寻求职业建议的学生提供指导.

In terms of impact, 和一群志同道合的人一起分享你的激情,你会比一个人完成得更多. YWAC和NEL提供了一个回馈雪城社区的大平台. 他们将想要有所作为的校友聚集在一起,同时提供接触大学领导层的机会,并概述惠特曼和纽豪斯商学院的战略方向.

How else do you pay it forward?

Guest lecturing and mentoring. 上学期,我帮助一名学生完成了他们的毕业项目 S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications. At Bloomberg Media [where he worked from 2020-23], 我创建了一个项目,我可以与学生合作一整个学期. 重要的是给他们实际的、现实世界的经验——这是学校擅长的.

Volunteering is a personal motivator for me. No one gets to where they are in life without guidance from others. We must lift others up while we climb. 看着与我共事过的学生和指导者在事业上取得成功,是我一生中最有意义的经历之一. 我对学生的唯一要求是,当有人向他们寻求指导时,他们要把指导传递出去.

What has philanthropy taught you about yourself?

当我花时间和学生在一起时,他们并不是唯一从交流中获得价值的人. I learn as much from them as they hopefully learn from me. 成长无处不在,无处不在,所以以开放的心态看待指导是很重要的. We can always learn and grow from other people’s experiences.

Chris Marino with a class.

马里诺(中)与曹的最后一届研究生. Marino has maintained a close relationship with Tsao, 谁在2023年退休前担任了17年的广告部主席.

How can marketing be used as a force for good?

我一直被使命驱动型的公司所吸引,在那里我可以通过我的工作做出改变. At AmEx, we helped small businesses do more business. 在彭博媒体,我们让人们能够获得公正的、数据驱动的新闻. 在谷歌,我们正在组织世界上的信息,并使其普遍可访问和有用.

市场营销通过分享价值观和讲故事与消费者建立深厚联系的能力一直激励着我. 在我看来,在工作中找到目标会带来更大的满足感.

What do you do at Google?

我负责管理一个团队,该团队与东海岸的独立机构建立战略合作伙伴关系,以推动大规模的数字化转型. In my role, 我的工作重点是宣传谷歌的产品和服务,使公司高管能够实现可持续的收入增长.

What advice do you have for students?

提前考虑两份工作并专注于你正在培养的技能是很重要的. 你目前正在培养的技能应该为你的成功奠定基础,而不仅仅是在你的下一个职位上, but also the one afterward.

与此同时,不知道要学什么专业或从事什么职业也没关系. 要思想开放,把自己置身于能帮助你理解自己喜欢什么和不喜欢什么的环境中. 你在学术上和专业上的经历越多,你就越有可能找到你的激情.

我花了很多年才明白这一点,我还在不断地了解自己. I’m enjoying every step of the journey.

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